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What are trades & types of trades?

What are trades and types of trades? The trades refer to manual labour jobs that require training or a highly specific skill set. Examples of types of trade jobs including being a plumber, hairstylist, or landscaper.

What is trade in economics?

As a generic term, trade can refer to any voluntary exchange, from selling baseball cards between collectors to multimillion-dollar contracts between companies. In macroeconomics, trade usually refers to international trade, the system of exports and imports that connects the global economy.

What does a trader do?

As a trader, you are essentially a small business owner, and you must research and strategize to maximize your business's potential. Trading is a competitive business. It's safe to assume that the person on the other side of a trade is taking full advantage of all the available technology.

What is swing trading?

There are a variety of strategies for trading, but one of the most accessible to newcomers is swing trading. Unlike day trading, where trading is extremely fast-paced, swing trading is slower. This strategy is a great way to understand market movements and dip your toe into technical analysis. Here's what the curious trader should know.

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